Ten-time Grammy award winning singer-songwriter Adele opened her show in Belgium Sunday night with an emotional tribute to the victims of the
Orlando terror attack.
"I'd like to start by dedicating this entire show to everybody in Orlando at Pulse nightclub," Adele said onstage in Antwerp. "The LGBTQ community, they're like my soulmates since I was real young, so I'm real moved by it."
Adele then got emotional, and used the moment to poke fun at herself and her songs.
"I don't know why I'm crying already," the 28-year-old said. "Mostly this, tonight, is pretty miserable. My songs are [expletive] miserable.
"I do have two songs that sound happy, but they're not. If you'd like to dance, this is your final chance, literally. These two songs have a beat to them and they're band songs. If you'd like to dance, please join me now. Let's make some noise everyone."
The moment was caught on a fan video posted to Instagram. Ironically, Adele recently
blasted a fan at one of her shows in Italy after she caught her filming the concert.
"Could you stop filming me with that video camera? Because I'm really here in real life, you can enjoy it in real life rather than through your camera," Adele said.