Bill Donohue: Paris Attack Wrong but Provoked by 'Libertines'

By    |   Wednesday, 07 January 2015 06:49 PM EST ET

Catholic League President Bill Donohue joined the condemnation of the gunmen who killed 12 people in Paris on Wednesday, but he also said people should not abuse their liberty to provoke others.

"I unequivocally condemn these Muslim barbarians. I've taken out ads condemning what they're doing to Christians," Donohue said Wednesday on Fox News Channel's "Your World with Neil Cavuto."

"I also condemn the lack of restraint of people perverting their freedom by choosing the most pornographic, obscene, vulgar depictions of Muhammad for the juvenile intent of insulting them. You know, when you keep doing that, you're going to get a response."

Charlie Hebdo, a magazine that was the target of Wednesday's attack, has run cartoons depicting the founder of Islam naked.

Donohue said he isn't saying the editors and cartoonists at the magazine got what they deserved, but he did say their actions tended to fuel the anger of extremists.

He said people should listen to the words of former President James Madison, who warned that liberties can be lost by the abuse of liberty.

"The abuse of liberty, in this country and . . . by these smart alecks who want to take their middle finger and put it in the face of people of faith, that has to stop too," he said. "How about some restraint and civility and decency on the part of these people?"

Donohue noted that he has led peaceful protests against art projects that were insulting to Christians, including a piece that put a Crucifix in a bottle of urine and a painting of the Virgin Mary smeared with elephant dung.

"I'm sick and tired of these brats who say, 'Muslims, you have to take it,'" Donohue said. "Why don't you disagree with Islam and do it in a civil manner instead of acting like a bunch of libertine thugs yourselves?"

Those who wish to condemn Islamic extremism should show moral restraint, he said.

"I think when you depict Muhammad as a victim of anal sex, unless there's something . . .  twisted with you, you have to come to the conclusion that's pushing the envelope," he said.

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Catholic League President Bill Donohue joined the condemnation of the gunmen who killed 12 people in Paris on Wednesday, but he also said people should not abuse their liberty to provoke others.
Bill Donohue, Paris, liberty, provoke
Wednesday, 07 January 2015 06:49 PM
Newsmax Media, Inc.

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