Carly Fiorina was the first to take on front-runner Donald Trump in the 5 p.m. Fox News debate for the bottom seven GOP candidates, pointing to the recently reported
phone call from former President Bill Clinton to Trump.
"I didn't get a phone call from Bill Clinton before I jumped in the race," the former Hewlett-Packard CEO said before turning to her competitors and asking, "Did any of you get a phone call from Bill Clinton? I didn't."
Perhaps, Fiorina suggested, "it's because I hadn't given money to the [Clinton] Foundation or donated to his wife's Senate campaign."
She congratulated Trump for his front-runner status, saying he has tapped in to the anger that the public is feeling at the failure of the political class to serve them.
But she ended with another jab: "Since he has changed his mind on amnesty, on healthcare and on abortion, I would just ask what are the principles by which he will govern."