Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Clinton has gotten her convention bounce, lifting her back into a narrow lead over Donald Trump across 11 swing states, according to the latest wave of the
YouGov/CBS News 2016 Battleground Tracker.
Clinton receiveed the support of 43 percent of likely voters, a two-point post-convention bounce equal to the two-point bounce Donald Trump received last week. Trump was at 41 percent.
A week ago Trump led by 42 percent to 41 percent.
The findings come from a a panel study polling likely voters in competitive states before and after each party’s nominating convention.
The states: Colorado, Florida, Iowa, Michigan, North Carolina, New Hampshire, Nevada, Ohio, Pennsylvania, Virginia and Wisconsin.
Clinton gained most of her new support from undecided and third-party voters, but Donald Trump also dipped back down a single percentage point, meaning Clinton has gone from one point behind to two points ahead in a week.
"What's less clear is whether the changes can be attributed to the Democratic National Convention, or other news events over the past week," CBS reported. "Only 36 percent of likely voters, including just 25 percent of independents and 7 percent of Republicans, say the convention made them feel more positively about the Democratic nominee." But 31 percent said the convention worsened their opinions of Clinton.
"By contrast, 49 percent say Donald Trump’s recent comments about “Russia and hacking email servers” were “inappropriate”, while just 24 percent feel the comments were acceptable,"
CBS reported.