GOP Rep. Chris Collins blames Atttorney General Loretta Lynch for the outcome of the probe into Hillary Clinton's private email server, saying FBI Director James Comey recommended no charges — but didn't make the final call.
In an interview with CNN on Wednesday morning — which was posted on
The Hill, the New York lawmaker said he understands Comey's position.
"As he presented it, I can understand where he's coming from," Collins tells CNN. "I think we have to separate the FBI from the Department of Justice. Director Comey did an extraordinary job."
"It was the Department of Justice's decision whether to prosecute or not," Collins insists.
"We have to remember [former President] Bill Clinton was on the airplane with the attorney general just a week ago," he said, referring to a
controversial private meeting between Clinton and Lynch that sparked a political furor.
Collins said he agrees with Trump's claim that Lynch was "intimidated" into not prosecuting Clinton.
"I think Loretta Lynch was intimidated by Bill Clinton on the airplane," Collins tells CNN, "Loretta Lynch does know that she would be more secure in her job if Hillary Clinton was president."
The New York Times reported on Sunday, citing unidentified sources, that Clinton would consider retaining Lynch if elected.