A New Jersey Republican Party source says Gov. Chris Christie should endorse GOP presidential front-runner Donald Trump "as soon as this week" "in order to make himself that first key establishment player to legitimize the tycoon and set himself up as a forward-thinking ally in the Trump camp,"
writes Max Pizarro at PolitickerNJ.
"Mitt Romney will evidently back [Marco] Rubio this week and assert himself as a relevant ally (pre-Nevada) on the Florida senator’s priority list," Pizarro says the source explained to him.
"Christie gets nothing by following on the heels of Romney, and anyway he annihilated Rubio on that pre-New Hampshire debate stage, how can he now back Florida’s junior senator without contradicting himself, the source argued.
"Christie has to go Trump and in order to make the endorsement stick, in order to get out front and be relevant, he has to do it this week, the source insisted."
"AG," a source told Pizarro "when asked what Christie could expect to get in return from Trump if the tycoon won the White House."
"He could get attorney general with Trump."
State Sen. Kip Bateman echoed the sentiments, telling J.T. Aregood at
Politicker NJ that he would not rule out an endorsement of Trump by Christie at some point over the next two weeks.
“He’s certainly building up a lot of momentum,” Bateman is quoted as saying of Trump’s Saturday victory in the South Carolina primary.
"It’s definitely not out of the question."