President Barack Obama's announcement on Wednesday that the United States would normalize relations with Cuba will significantly alter the way Florida manages border security, according to
Defense One.
Until now, the Department of Homeland Security has focused on monitoring threats and illegal activities within the narrow range of air and maritime travel and commerce, which was very restricted and controlled.
The agency will now need significant new resources to monitor the borders while tracking illegal activity.
"The recently announced changes in U.S.-Cuba policy, specifically the lifting of travel restrictions and the promotion of business and commerce between the two countries, will require a significant change in the U.S. border security and border control missions between the two countries," Defense One said.
"Border control officials are likely to see a significant spike in the volume of commerce and travelers that will seek to take advantage of the revised policies between the two countries."
Border security efforts will focus on the increased flow of traffic to and from Cuba, both legal and illegal.
"Monitoring and sorting will be especially challenging as the expanding means of travel and commerce will result in significant spikes in air traffic, merchant ships, ferries, and small vessel traffic across a network of established and soon-to-be-developed or expanded maritime ports," Defense One said.
Additional U.S. border security and control will also be needed to implement Obama's policy changes as the two countries work together.