Marco Rubio had won 164 delegates by the time he ended his campaign for the GOP presidential nomination on Tuesday — and remaining candidates Donald Trump, Ted Cruz and John Kasich will battle to grab as many of them as they can to enhance their own delegate totals.
But it's not as easy as it looks.
CBS News reports, the rules governing the delegates of a candidate who's bowed out are "incredibly complicated," because the Republican National Committee allows states to make their own sets of rules for the divvying up process.
"Rubio can't just magically transfer his delegates to the candidate of his choice by endorsing someone else," CBS News says.
"Each state selects its delegates differently: in some states the candidates submit their own slates of delegates, while in others they're selected through state-level conventions during the spring.
"In any case, if the GOP race is headed to a contested convention those delegate slots will be more important than ever."