GOP presidential front-runner Donald Trump on Thursday said he would support the death penalty for anyone who kills a police officer.
"One of the first things I'd do in terms of executive order if I win would be to sign a strong, strong statement that will go out to the country, out to the world, that anybody caught killing a policeman, policewoman, police officer — anybody killing a police officer: death penalty," Trump said in Milford, New Hampshire for a New England Police Benevolence Association event.
"It's gonna happen. OK?" Trump said to cheers from the crowd of law enforcement officials. "We can't let this go."
Police nationwide "have had a hard time, a lot of people killed," Trump said.
Trump has long been a supporter of the death penalty for cop killers,
Mediaite notes.
In May he told "Fox & Friends" he believed the death penalty should be applied to the killer of two officers in Hattiesburg, Mississippi.
And as far back as 1989, he bought full-page newspaper ads urging the death penalty for the Central Park Five. The young men found guilty in that case were later found to have been wrongfully convicted.