Donald Trump has ended his high-dollar fundraising operation, effectively cutting off cash to the Republican National Committee as it tries to finance a get-out-the-vote operation, the Washington Post reports.
Trump Victory, a joint fundraising committee between the party and campaign, had its last formal fundraiser Oct. 19, the Post reported.
"We've kind of wound down," Steven Mnuchin, Trump's national finance chairman, told the Post. "But the online fundraising continues to be strong."
The RNC gets only 20 percent of the money that Trump raises online, according to the Post.
"We couldn’t be more pleased with how the fundraising has gone," Mnuchin told the Post, adding that it was on track to hit a new record in October.
"We have big media buys, we have a terrific ground game."
The Trump campaign will be keeping the candidate's final weeks focused on his voter rallies.
"We have minimized his fundraising schedule over the last month to emphasize his focus on political [events]," Mnuchin said. "Unlike Hillary [Clinton], who has been fundraising and not out and about, he has constantly been out and about."
According to the Post, the decision by the Trump campaign turns off "one of the main spigots" to the RNC, which collected $40 million through Trump Victory as of Sept. 30
The party has devoted a big chunk of the money to pay for national voter mobilization, the Post reported.
As of Sept. 30, Trump's campaign raised $219 million compared with Clinton's $499 million, the Post has reported.