Univision star Jorge Ramos was "totally, absolutely out of line" during a Tuesday night press conference, GOP presidential front-runner
Donald Trump told the "Today Show" on Wednesday, defending his decision to throw him out of the event.
"I was asking and being asked a question from another reporter," Trump told NBC host Matt Lauer, and "I would have gotten to him quickly. He stood up and started ranting and raving like a madman. Frankly, he was out of line."
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Ramos, who
confronted Trump on his plans to deport 11 million or more undocumented immigrants, was immediately removed by security from the early evening press conference in Dubuque, Iowa, after Trump told him to "go back to Univision."
Trump also on Wednesday continued his a war of words with Fox News star Megyn Kelly, telling Lauer that he is not a fan and he doesn't "Think she does a good job. I don't think she's a very good professional. Frankly, the show is better without her."
Lauer told Trump it sounds a bit like Trump "is a guy with a schoolyard crush" saying the "meanest things about the girls they like the most," a statement Trump vehemently denied.
"There is no crush, that I can tell you," Trump said. "As far as I was concerned during the debate she asked me questions that were totally inappropriate. Other people were asked nice questions about jobs, God, other things. She hits me with questions that were totally inappropriate."
But he denied being a bully, saying "it's the opposite way. Last night, this man starts ranting, raving, honestly, very disrespectful to other reporters."