Donald Trump continues his double-digit lead in the Republican presidential race in a
new Fox News national poll, while Bernie Sanders has overtaken Hillary Clinton on the Democratic side.
Here are the results of the poll taken register voters and released Thursday evening:
- Donald Trump: 36 percent
- Ted Cruz: 19 percent
- Marco Rubio: 15 percent
- Ben Carson: 9 percent
- Jeb Bush: 9 percent
- John Kasich: 8 percent
Here are the results for the Democrats:
- Bernie Sanders: 47 percent
- Hillary Clinton: 44 percent
Sanders' lead is within the poll's margin of error of 4.5 percent.
The poll was conducted February 15-17 and talked to 404 Republican primary voters 4.5 percent and 429 Democratic primary voters.
On the Republican side, it fell in line with most other recent polls, with the exception of a Wall Street Journal/NBC News poll released Wednesday that showed Cruz with a two-point lead over Trump.
That poll sampled a larger number of people who called themselves very conservative, and it sparked
criticism from Trump, who said News Corporation Executive Chairman Rupert Murdoch was behind the outlier numbers. News Corporation owns both The Wall Street Journal and Fox News.