Hours before Donald Trump scrapped a speech in Chicago amid violent outbreaks between supporters and protesters, he taunted demonstrators at a speech in St. Louis.
"Go home and get a job," the Republican front-runner said,
The Los Angeles Times reports.
"Go home to mommy."
Thirty people were arrested at the Missouri rally, according to news reports.
Trump's comments, along the lines of others he has hurled at demonstrators in recent rallies, came the day after an African-American man was punched by a white Trump supporter as he was being escorted out by police at a rally in North Carolina.
John McGraw, 78, who later was taken into custody, was charged with assault and disorderly conduct for allegedly hitting Rakeem Jones, 26.
"Next time we see him, we might have to kill him," McGraw told "Inside Edition" after the incident in Fayetteville.
At the Friday rally, Trump spoke out as the protesters — many affiliated with the Black Lives Matter movement — prevented him from speaking for long periods of time.
"Missouri, I can’t believe this," the developer said, according to the Times. "I can’t believe it."
Trump was also testy with the police.
"Where are the police?" he asked. "Come on, police, get 'em out.
"Let’s go. Let’s go. Come on."