Republican presidential front-runner Donald Trump has found a new way to respond to his critics: agree with them.
Trump has prided himself at hitting back 10 times harder at his attackers, but on Wednesday when his rival, Texas Sen. Ted Cruz, appeared on the
Howie Carr radio show and accused Trump of having "New York values," Trump came on the same show and played it as an asset.
Cruz said New York values aren't in sync with the values of the rest of America, and the Manhattan real estate developer is the epitome of them.
"The rest of the country knows exactly what New York values are," Cruz said.
"You know, when the World Trade Center got hit, we rebuilt that World Trade Center and we got through," Trump responded in a later interview. "Very few places in this world could have gotten through what we went through. I was so proud of New York."
Trump used the same tactic when asked about South Carolina Gov.
Nikki Haley's criticism of him during her State of the Union response as being one of the "angry voices" in American politics.
"Well, I think she's right. I am angry," Trump said Wednesday on CNN's
"Outfront with Erin Burnett." "A lot of other people are angry, too, at how incompetently our country is being run."
Trump said the country needs anger and energy.
"And I won't be angry for long. If I become president, we're gonna start having great victories and we'll beat China in trade. And we'll beat other countries in trade and we'll have borders and we're going to have good health care."
Trump did "disavow" robocalls in Iowa by American National Super PAC, a white nationalist group telling voters to support Trump because of his call for a temporary ban on all Muslims.