Documents released over the weekend prove that President Donald Trump has been "right all along" that the investigation into his campaign has been a "waste of time," press secretary Sarah Sanders said Monday.
"The president wants transparency in this process," Sanders told Fox News' "Fox and Friends." "I think what you can see even just from the information that has been released is that the president has been right all along that this is a total waste of time and waste of taxpayer money."
The Trump campaign had "nothing to do with Russia," but rather had "everything to do with a great message: to defeat Hillary Clinton," she added.
On Saturday, Judicial Watch released a set of four heavily redacted FISA applications, obtained under the Freedom of Information Act, that show the FBI used a salacious dossier concerning Trump and Russia to obtain the warrants against campaign foreign policy adviser Carter Page.
Trump early Monday slammed the "fake dirty dossier," and Sanders later commented that she thinks "we would all be a lot better" if special counsel Robert Mueller's investigation could be ended.
"We would all be a lot better off if we could get this out of the way, and that Congress and the special counsel could come to the same conclusion that the rest of America has, that this is a hoax and a waste of time," said Sanders. "Let's move on and focus on some of the big problems and big challenges we actually have to faces a a country. "
Congressional Republicans have asked for an unredacted version of the papers Judicial Watch eventually received, and Sanders said it "remains to be seen" if Trump will order that to happen.
"The president would like this to operate independent of him," said Sanders. "He certainly has asked for the department of Justice to be transparent in this process, and if there are questions, which clearly there remain to be some, we hope they will step up and help answer those questions."