"Panic" has officially set in with the Republican establishment following Donald Trump's resounding win in New Hampshire Tuesday night, talk show host
Rush Limbaugh said on his show Wednesday.
"And it's all because, up until last night, everything was theoretical," Limbaugh said. "But now Trump won, and he outperformed the polling."
The Democratic establishment is panicked, too, he said, considering Vermont Sen. Bernie Sanders' 21-point win over former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton.
Still, Limbaugh isn't so certain an anti-establishment "revolution" is going on – especially on the GOP side.
"I mean, it's tempting and it's exciting to think that a revolution's going on, but I'm not so sure," he said, noting that Mitt Romney got a higher percentage of the GOP New Hampshire vote in 2012 than Trump did this year.
"Does that equal a revolution?" Limbaugh asked. "If there was a revolution going on, would Trump have not won Iowa?" though he admitted, "I'm not saying that it's not real."
The real explanation, Limbaugh said, is that the Republican Party has not pushed back against President Barack Obama for the past seven years.
"The Republican Party has not tried to stop one shred of this, not really," he said. "So what you have is a genuine outrage at the Republican Party, but does that mean people out there want to overturn the entire system in a revolutionary way."
The Republican Party is clearly being rejected, Limbaugh said.