Democrat Hillary Clinton Leads Republican Donald Trump by 14 points in a new survey of Florida voters by Saint Leo University Polling Institute.
Here are the results among decided voters in the Sunshine State, which also included Libertarian Gary Johnson and Green Party candidate Jill Stein:
- Clinton: 48.3 percent
- Trump: 33.8 percent
- Johnson: 6.4 percent
- Stein: 1.6 percent
The results show Clinton's lead appears to be "very secure" in Florida, according to Saint Leo University Polling Institute Director Frank Orlando.
"She was winning by 14 points in Florida in our June poll, and she's still winning by that margin after the conventions. The opportunities for Donald Trump to make up that distance are shrinking," Orlando said. "Absent an unprecedented movement toward Trump as a result of the debates, or more likely, an external shock to the system, she can safely put Florida in her column."
The poll showed Clinton favored by women voters in Florida by 2-to-1 (58.3 percent to 30.6 percent). And 70 percent of Hispanics back Clinton, compared to only 23 percent for Trump.
African Americans back the former secretary of state by 90 percent, while Trump has an edge among white voters (50.6 percent to 36.9 percent). Trump also draws more voters ages 65 and older (51.8 percent to 39.6 percent).
Trump has the support of only 23 percent of voters younger than 35, and the two are virtually tied among men.
The online survey was conducted August 14-18 and talked to 1,500 Florida adults, 1,380 of whom said they will likely vote in November's presidential election.