According to Howard Kurtz, host of Fox News' "MediaBuzz," Hillary Clinton "has already fired most of her heavy artillery at Donald Trump" and may be unable to challenge the GOP nominee in the final weeks of the race.
"She has called him temperamentally unfit, too dangerous for the Oval Office and ignorant about foreign policy," Kurtz wrote in a piece for Fox News. "She has said he makes racist statements and that many of his followers are in fact racist, sexist, xenophobic, homophobic and Islamophobic.
"She has said he's built his campaign on prejudice and paranoia. She has denigrated his business record, mocked his corporate bankruptcies and accused him of stiffing small contractors.
"What else has she got?" Kurtz asked.
Kurtz says Clinton went "nuclear" in the past three months, exhausting Trump's most offensive comments by repeating them over and over in attack ads. He cites Politico's Rich Lowry, who made a similar point on Wednesday.
"The Clinton campaign has already used his greatest hits of most offensive statements in countless TV ads," Lowry wrote. "I was appalled that Trump mocked a disabled reporter, but even I am sick of seeing the clip every other time I turn on the TV. If none of this has sunk Trump and the race gets even closer, what's left that is going to have a new and different shock value?"
Trump and Clinton are neck-and-neck in Ohio and Florida, key battleground states that could be the deciding factor in the election.
In order to win, Kurtz says, Clinton must find a defining issue, the way Trump is identified by his views on immigration, terrorism, and the economy by way of his business background.
"Clinton has position papers on everything under the sun," he says. "But no single issue that generates excitement and no shorthand to sum up her candidacy. ‘The other guy's crazy' isn't the most inspiring slogan."
Clinton has so far avoided attacking Trump on his political history, painting him as a flip-flopper or secretly moderate, possibly because she doesn't want moderate voters to think of him as anything other than a dangerous extremist.
"She asked whether America can put a "loose cannon" in charge of the country," Kurtz concludes. "But have we reached the point where we're desensitized to the terrible things these candidates say about each other?"