In a brief truce in recent attacks on his GOP presidential primary rival,
Jeb Bush sided with Donald Trump against Hillary Clinton's claim that ISIS is using the real estate billionaire in its recruitment propaganda.
In a radio interview Monday on
"Bill Bennett's Morning in America," Bush said he still stands by his criticism of Trump's call to indefinitely ban Muslims from entering the United States.
But that doesn't mean he agrees with Democratic presidential front-runner Clinton's slam.
BuzzFeed News posted a clip of the
"Hillary Clinton suggesting that Donald Trump is being used in an ISIS recruiting video, man, talk about chutzpah," the former Florida governor said. "There's no evidence of that. There's no evidence of that at all."
At Saturday's Democratic presidential debate, sponsored by ABC News, Clinton said Trump was "becoming ISIS' best recruiter," adding: "They are going to people showing videos of Donald Trump insulting
Islam and Muslims in order to recruit more radical jihadists."
Fact-checkers have
disproved the claim, and Trump has since
demanded an apology.
"Everybody knows the Benghazi excuse, that it was a video there," Bush told Bennett.
"I could not believe she said that without any evidence. This is how they play the game on the left. They're always blaming somebody. In this case, while I don't agree with Trump's idea, I don't think he has anything to do with being a part of a recruiting video."