The super PAC supporting Jeb Bush released a new TV ad entitled "Vane" on Monday — a 30-second spot that attacks Sen. Marco Rubio for changing his position on immigration reform and supporting "amnesty."
Politico reports that the ad was first reported by the
Washington Examiner on Monday and noted that the spot opened with an animation of Rubio shown as weathervane atop a barn who shifts with the "political winds."
"Marco Rubio: He ran for Senate saying he opposed amnesty," the ad says. "Then he flipped and worked with liberal Chuck Schumer to co-author the path to citizenship. He threatened to vote against it and then voted for it."
"Marco Rubio, just another Washington politician you can't trust," the ad concludes. "Jeb Bush: He's a leader, so you always know where he stands."
According to Politico, the spot reportedly costs $1.8 million for two weeks of airtime on broadcast and cable in Iowa and $1 million for one week in South Carolina.
The ad is also being aired on Fox News Channel nationwide and has plans to eventually air in New Hampshire.