Alabama Sen. Jeff Sessions, who helped GOP presidential front-runner Donald Trump craft
his immigration policy, says much of the plan would simply involve enforcing existing laws. The rest would be demanded by the public.
"It's just a mainstream plan to do what politicians have been promising to do for 30 years and haven't done," Sessions, chairman of the Judiciary Subcommittee on Immigration, Border Security and Citizenship, said Monday on Fox News Channel's
"The Kelly File."
"You don't have to pass a lot of laws. Some smart legislation would help, no doubt about it," Sessions said. "I think if a president is elected on the promise to fix this border and illegality, the American people will insist that reasonable laws get passed."
A huge difference can be made simply by enforcing existing law and creating a system that is based on America's national interests, Sessions said.
"President Obama is just flat-out refusing to enforce basic law that has been on the books sometimes for a decade," he said.