GOP Sen. Marco Rubio
is releasing his presidential campaign supporters to vote for Ohio Gov. John Kasich in the Buckeye State – but Kasich isn't returning the favor as both contenders face make-or-break contests Tuesday.
The Washington Post reports Kasich dismissed the prospect after a rally outside Dayton on Friday.
"If I've got supporters somewhere in the country, and I'm on the ballot, they kind of ought to vote for me," Kasich said. "I mean, what kind of deal would it be if I told my people, 'don't vote for me?'"
Kasich is trailing Rubio, as well as front-runner Donald Trump and Texas Sen. Ted Cruz, in the Sunshine State, according to an average of polling by
Real Clear Politics.
And Rubio is far behind the other candidates in Ohio, the Real Clear Politics
averaging shows.
Ceding votes to each other could help Kasich and Rubio deny Trump delegates in their respective home states, each of which is holding a winner-take-all primary, the Post notes.