Ohio Gov. John Kasich shot back at former Florida Gov. Jeb Bush Monday for
an ad released by Bush over the weekend questioning Kasich's conservatism.
"I'm really disappointed in Jeb," Kasich said on Fox News Channel's
"The Kelly File." "I mean, he's taken the very low road to the highest office in the land, and he's been negative all along, but that's OK. You know, as Arnold Schwarzenegger told me when I was running for governor the first time, love the beatings."
Bush's ad hits Kasich for voting to ban assault weapons, expanding Medicaid and trying to cut defense spending.
Kasich said he's been trying to keep his own campaign positive.
"I'm going to continue to be positive," Kasich said. "I've done 106 town hall meetings. Our television has been good. I'm really sanguine."