Donald Trump has slightly increased his nationwide lead over Hillary Clinton since the first presidential debate, according to the Los Angeles Times/USC Dornsife daily tracking poll released Wednesday.
The results:
- Trump: 46.7 percent;
- Clinton: 42.6 percent.
This boosts the Republican candidate's advantage over Clinton by 0.6 percentage points from the poll taken the day before, the first one following the Monday debate.
Other details from the poll indicate:
- Trump has held the lead in this poll since Sept. 13, with his largest advantage since then being Sept. 18 when he led by 6.7 points;
- Trump's lead slipped to as little as 1.4 points Sept. 23 before the real estate mogul rebuilt his advantage to its current 4.1 points;
- The most volatile voting bloc has been those under 35 years of age, who just a few weeks ago backed Clinton by 10 points but then supported Trump by 8 points a short time later. Trump's advantage in that age group is now at 5.5 points;
- Trump's support among those with a high school education or less stands at an advantage of 19.2 points, after it was a just a single-digit margin several few weeks ago;
- He also has a nearly 20-point gap over Clinton in support among males. His advantage among males was only about half that earlier this month.
The Republican candidate has also shown a marked improvement in black support, which was at just 3 percent earlier this month. That backing jumped to as high as 20 percent 10 days ago before fading and then rebounding to its current 18.2 percent, still well behind Clinton 74.3 percent support among blacks.
The Los Angeles Times/USC Dornsife poll tracks about 3,000 eligible voters until Election Day, asking on a regular basis about their support for the candidates.
The data is updated each day based on the weighted average of poll responses over the previous week, which means the results have less volatility than other surveys and also could take more time to react to major events in the campaign.