When the argument over sending American ground troops to fight the Islamic State (ISIS or ISIL) came to the GOP undercard debate stage on Tuesday, former Pennsylvania Sen. Rick Santorum warned that it is just playing into the terrorists' hands.
"Understanding what ISIS is preaching," Santorum said. "You have to learn what they're telling their people. They want to draw the United States, they want to draw great Satan into Syria into a particular town in Syria because it's consistent with their theology."
"Dead men don't preach anything," South Carolina Sen. Lindsey Graham shot back. "Rick, there's nobody left to train inside Syria. Let the Arabs fight this fight, pay for this war, but they need our help."
"They may start the fight, but we, by God, will finish the fight," former Arkansas Gov. Mike Huckabee added. "It will be their rear ends on the ground not ours, when it's all over, whether it takes 10 days, 10 months or 10 eternities, we are going to win this fight."
"They're ready to die. Bring on the virgins," Graham said.