Conservative radio host Michael Savage is threatening to withdraw his support for Donald Trump unless he disavows the "assassination by innuendo" of Sen. Ted Cruz in a
National Enquirer story – and the CEO of the tabloid's owner.
In a segment of "The Savage Nation" show Friday – posted by
the Right Scoop – the host declares the Enquirer story falsely alleges Cruz carried on five extra-marital flings – charges Cruz refutes as "garbage."
And, Savage charges, Enquirer owner American Media Inc.'s CEO David Pecker, is a "close friend" of Trump, "flies to Florida on Trump's private jet" and is "personally involved in the anti-Cruz stories."
"This is assassination by innuendo," Savage says of the Enquirer bombshell. "I supported Trump, and probably still will, but if he won't disavow this guy Pecker and this story I may withdraw my support…. I am not going to support anyone who engages in assassination by innuendo."
Savage declared he learned "the scandal is false" from "someone who I work with closely, who I would trust with my life," and whose contact within the Enquirer bluntly conceded, "'We don't have it,' meaning it's all innuendo."
Savage said he's not blaming Trump for the story, but warns: "If he finds outs that this Pecker is involved, he should get rid of this connection because this is not going to help him at all."