Sarah Palin, a few weeks after announcing her endorsement of GOP front-runner Donald Trump's candidacy, took to
Facebook on Friday to accuse Ted Cruz' campaign of lying about not getting support from wealthy donors.
"My oh my. Why must campaigns lie?" she wrote in a cryptic message on her account, along with a photo of an email sent out by the Cruz campaign to supporters.
She linked her post to a video posted on the website
"The Conservative Treehouse," called "Who is the real Ted Cruz?" which shows him making statements on immigration, Syrian refugees, and birthright citizenship."
A highlighted part of the email photo shows a quote from Cruz, saying that he "will never get — or do I want — money from the D.C. lobbyists or the special interest billionaires."
But a list tacked on to the photo shows contributions from several large sources including from Goldman Sachs and the Club for Growth, and contributions that range from $44,000 to $700,000.
Earlier this month, Palin also complained about the "lack of accountability with the lies of Cruz's own campaign," just after the Cruz campaign wrongly said, before the Iowa caucuses, that Ben Carson had dropped out of the presidential race, reports
The Washington Examiner.
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