Donald Trump holds an 11-point lead in New Hampshire heading into that state's first-in-the-nation primary on Tuesday as Marco Rubio has moved into second place, according to the latest
CNN/WMUR poll.
The poll of likely New Hampshire Republican primary voters was conducted after Monday's Iowa caucuses in which Texas Sen. Ted Cruz made a surprising first-place finish over Trump, and Florida Sen. Marco Rubio made a close third-place showing.
Here are the results:
- Donald Trump: 29 percent
- Marco Rubio: 18 percent
- Ted Cruz: 13 percent
- John Kasich: 12 percent
- Jeb Bush: 10 percent
- Chris Christie: 4 percent
- Carly Fiorina: 4 percent
- Ben Carson: 2 percent
- Jim Gilmore: 0 percent
About one third of GOP primary voters in New Hampshire are still trying to make up their minds, according to the poll.
The poll was conducted by the University of New Hampshire Survey Center and talked to 556 adults, including 209 who say they plan to vote in the Republican presidential primary. The martin of error among Republican voters is plus-or-minus 6.8 percentage points.