Donald Trump leads Hillary Clinton by 3 points in North Carolina, according to a Suffolk University poll released Thursday.
Those polled favored Trump, while Clinton came in a close second, while Libertarian Gary Johnson polled in the single digits.
The results:
- Trump: 44 percent;
- Clinton: 41 percent;
- Johnson: 4 percent;
- Undecided or Refused: 11 percent.
Earlier polls favored Clinton to carry the state, according to Politico's Battleground States polling average and Real Clear Politics.
"North Carolina is very close, and so is the gender gap margin, though it's not quite working in Hillary Clinton's favor with Johnson in the mix," David Paleologos, director of the Suffolk University Political Research Center, said in a statement.
Other results show:
- Men for Trump: 53 percent;
- Men for Clinton: 32 percent;
- Men for Johnson: 3 percent;
- Women for Trump: 36 percent;
- Women for Clinton: 49 percent;
- Women for Johnson: 5 percent.
Of registered voters in North Carolina, 40 percent are Democrats, while Republicans and independents make up 30 percent each.
Trump leads Clinton with whites, gun owners, and voters most concerned with the economy or with national security. Clinton has the edge with African-Americans, and voters most concerned with education or with health care.
"You must get out and vote, you must bring all of your friends," Trump said on Tuesday in Greenville, N.C., reports The Charlotte Observer. "Be vigilant. Watch what's happening. We're going to win in North Carolina because we're going to take back the White House."