Kentucky Sen. Rand Paul responded Tuesday to an ad released on the day of the
announcement of his presidential run accusing him of standing with President Barack Obama on the Iran nuclear deal.
Paul called everthing in the ad a lie.
"We should not trust [Iran] with a nuclear weapon ever," Paul said Tuesday on Fox News Channel's
The Foundation for a Secure and Prosperous America released the ad with a clip of Paul saying of Iran, "You know, it's ridiculous to think that they're a threat to our national security."
Paul told Hannity that the quote was from 2007, when his father, former Rep. Ron Paul, was running for president and that things "change over time."
"I would say that almost every element of the ad is a lie," he said. "I mean, they say I'm helping the president. I'm actually one who has said to the president that this deal, when it becomes final, has to be finalized by Congress."
Paul also was one of the 47 Republican senators who signed a letter to the Iranian leadership warning them that a deal signed with the Obama administration was not binding without ratification by Congress.
"They're basically trying to create an issue and a wedge," Paul said of the group. "What it does show you is somebody who's worried about me."