Talk radio host
Rush Limbaugh criticized three GOP presidential candidates, whom he accused of pandering to moderate New Hampshire voters, saying Texas Sen. Ted Cruz would never do such a thing just to win.
Limbaugh noted that former Florida Gov. Jeb Bush has said
he would not blame President Barack Obama for anything if elected and said he would seek a constitutional amendment to overturn the Citizens United Supreme Court case.
"Then you've got Kasich out there saying that he's further to the left of Hillary Clinton. Then you've got Christie running around doing what he's doing," Limbaugh said. "All three of these guys try to make themselves look like the biggest squish moderates you have ever seen. They're certainly trying to make themselves not look like they are Republicans."
It's all an effort to lure undecided — including independent — voters, Limbaugh said. But Cruz, who won the Iowa caucuses and is expected to do well in later states, isn't using the same ploy to try to do better in New Hampshire, where his prospects are not as high, he said.
"If victory were at hand and all Ted Cruz had to do was go out and say, 'You know what? I'm through criticizing Obama,' it'd be the end of him the rest of the way. He wouldn't do it," Limbaugh said. "But if conservatism and the values inherent in conservatism, the founding of America, all of these things, if they matter to you, the one thing you'll never doubt is where Ted Cruz is on any of it."
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