Vermont Sen. Bernie Sanders and former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton both said faith is important to their lives when asked about it at Sunday's Democratic presidential debate.
A citizen questioner named Denise asked Sanders point blank, "Do you believe that God is relevant?"
Sanders said it is, but spoke more in general terms than about his own background in Judaism or any other faith. The most important aspect of all faiths, he said, is "to do unto others as you would like them to do unto you."
Moderator Anderson Cooper noted that some Jewish leaders have said Sanders downplays his background, but Sanders denied that.
"I'm very proud in being Jewish, and being Jewish is so much of what I am," he said, noting that much of his father's family was killed in the Holocaust.
Denise then asked Clinton who she prays to and what she asked for when she does.
"I pray very specifically for people whom I know by name, people who either have gone through or are experiencing difficult times, illness, divorce, death, disappointment, all of the life experiences that confront most of us," said Clinton, a Methodist. "I pray for the will of God to be known so that we can know it and, to the best of our limited ability, try to follow it and fulfill it."
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