White House spokesman Sean Spicer Saturday beat up on The Washington Post for not getting comment from the administration before publishing an opinion piece about an apparent power struggle between Homeland Security Secretary John Kelly and senior adviser Stephen Bannon over President Trump's refugee executive order.
Here's what Spicer said on Twitter:
Post columnist Josh Rogin wrote a column Saturday about how Kelly favored a waiver for green-card holders as part of the order — and how Bannon then ordered him to cancel the waiver.
Kelly refused, however, and the waiver was issued late last Saturday and announced on Sunday, according to the column.
The Post then added this editor's note to the column at 7 a.m. on Saturday, written by Editorial Page Editor Fred Hiatt:
"Prior to publication of this column, The Post sought comment from the Department of Homeland Security but not from the White House. We should have done both. After publication, White House Press Secretary Sean Spicer told The Post that Stephen Bannon did not travel to see Homeland Security Secretary John Kelly on the evening of Jan. 28."
Trump also slammed The New York Times on Saturday after the newspaper reported that documents showed that he still had close ties with the Trump Organization.