Texas Sen. Ted Cruz's campaign is doing all it can to stop Donald Trump from earning the Republican presidential nomination — reportedly even approaching former GOP candidate and Florida Sen. Marco Rubio about running alongside him.
According to a
Politico report, a Cruz-Rubio ticket has been a hot topic of discussion in some circles. Rubio, however, said he is not interested in joining forces with Cruz.
Utah Sen. Mike Lee supports Cruz' presidential bid and has taken on the role of trying to convince Rubio to team up with the Texas. Thus far, Lee's attempts have come up empty.
The Cruz campaign has polled the idea in states with upcoming primaries, reports Politico, to gauge public interest.
Rubio exited the race last Tuesday after he finished nearly 20 points behind Trump in the Florida GOP primary.
Trump has a strong lead in the polls and the delegate totals, and most view his chances of winning the nomination likely. There has been talk, however, of
delegates not voting for Trump at the convention — even if he has enough delegate votes from the primary season.
Rubio and Cruz had several verbal spars during the debates, but the Florida senator is apparently
close to endorsing his former rival in the race for the White House.
said last week that he will finish his current term in the Senate next January and will then "be a private citizen."