On the heels of a tumultuous week for the GOP, Democratic vice presidential nominee Tim Kaine praised the unity of his party and the ability to turn the polls and the election talk away from the trustworthiness of his running mate Hillary Clinton, as the The Hill's Kyle Balluck wrote.
"I think the reason that we're doing better in polling since last week is folks are getting reintroduced to that story in a positive light," the Virginia senator said on NBC's 'Meet the Press on Sunday.
Kaine was asked about the challenges to their campaign and the public's perception that Clinton is not trustworthy, especially in light of her response to a Fox interview.
Kaine said his party pulled together at a great time and helped turn the focus off Clinton's shortcomings the GOP had campaigned against.
"I'm not assuming that's going to be the case even a month from now," Kaine told NBC. "I think we came out of the convention with a real positive momentum. The convention, as you know, started off with some churn on the Democratic side on Monday. But by Thursday night, we were together and pulling the same direction."
Kaine also told NBC he complements Mrs. Clinton well.
"The other thing that I have the ability to do as her running mate, I can brag about Hillary in a way that she's not going to brag about herself," he said. "We're both Midwesterners who are a little reticent to talk about ourselves.
"But I love talking about other people. And I love talking about Hillary Clinton's life of service, especially her work to empower families and children, which has been a consistent theme throughout her life."