The presidential race is tightening and Republican nominee Donald Trump's path to reach the Electoral College votes he needs to win the White House is "much more narrow" than Democratic nominee Hillary Clinton's chances, but RealClearPolitics Editor Tom Bevan said Wednesday that Trump shouldn't be ruled out.
"She definitely has the advantage and she has a number of ways to get to 270," Bevan told MSNBC's "Morning Joe" program. Clinton is ahead in RealClearPolitics averages by 3.3 percentage points.
At this point, though, if the election were held today and the polls are accurate, Clinton would "win all the swing states except Iowa, where Trump is [ahead] by less than a point," Bevan said. "That's basically a toss-up."
Post-Labor Day data has not yet been released, so that should give a better picture of the race, said Bevan. However, the race is "definitely" tightening, and the news over the past week has been "decent for Trump" and "not very good for Hillary Clinton."
"Coming out of the convention she reached, obviously a post-convention high," said Bevan. "It's looking like it's tightening up and it's getting close."
Meanwhile, the Clinton campaign still likely feels good about its status in Virginia and Pennsylvania, but will want to keep the leads they have in those and other states away from Trump, said Bevan.
The numbers are also remaining steady for Libertarian nominee Gary Johnson and Green Party nominee Jill Stein, Bevan told the program.
"If you look at our average, he's been within that band of 8 percent to 9 percent pretty consistently for the past six, eight weeks," said Bevan. "He hasn't moved around that much.
"If you look at some of these individual polls, Johnson's number will bump up to 10 percent or 12 percent, but in the aggregate he's stuck in that 8 percent or 9 percent range."