GOP nominee Donald Trump, speaking in a quiet tone of voice to the National Association of Homebuilders in Miami Beach, nonetheless continued with his attacks on both President Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton when it comes to the Islamic State.
"ISIS will hand her the most valuable player award," Trump told the audience, after appearing almost an hour after his scheduled 10:30 a.m. announced time and reading from notes during his speech.
"Her only competition is Obama, between the two of them."
Trump, as a real estate mogul and son of a developer, said he felt comfortable with the audience, and spoke out about federal regulations that he said are harming their industry.
"I notice when I mentioned 'regulation,' everybody perked up because you're being driven wild with regulation," said Trump. "In the last five years, regulations on building houses, building homes — and you all know what you're doing — have increased by 29 percent.
"And now, a number I was just given, which is shocking, you have 25 percent of your total cost is in regulation. I don't understand how that's possible."
If Clinton wins the presidential race, that will become worse, said Trump.
"It's going to be four more years of Obama, but it will be worse," he said. "She's mandated to go to the left because 45 percent of Bernie [Sanders'] people, they want her to head in that direction. With judges, Supreme Court judges. a lot of the problems you have are judicial. With litigation, lawsuits."
Trump also railed against the press, complaining about "the horror that we know is the press. We have one newspaper that actually admitted that they're covering me unfairly. But they said we hate him so much it doesn't matter, can you believe that, a major paper?"
He also complained that Clinton's husband Bill, signed NAFTA, which "destroyed upstate New York."
"Our jobs fled," said Trump. "Many to Mexico. When you look at Mexico, we're looking Third World now. The factories they're building now. Has anyone seen what's going on in Mexico? They're taking our businesses. They're taking our plants."
Trump also talked about donors to Clinton, saying that he financed his own primaries and now his organization is getting "thousands and thousands of small contributions . . . We've taken in a lot of money."
Trump also told the audience that the last thing they wanted is a Supreme Court justice that will "destroy our nation."
"We lost Judge [Antonin] Scalia," he said. "He was a great justice, he was as a great judge. We lost him. That was shocking because he was going to be there at least another 10-years, and that seat was taken."
Trump, in his wide-ranging speech, also spoke out against Obama's and Clinton's economic policies, saying that China would "have a revolution" if its economic growth numbers dipped like the United States' have.
"I've made a fortune with China," said Trump. "But they don't respect us. They don't respect our country. They don't respect our president. They don't like our president. [Russian President Vladimir] Putin doesn't like our president. Putin has no respect for Obama whatsoever.
"Wouldn't it be nice if we could actually get along with Russia? Wouldn't that be a decent thing? Wouldn't that be nice?"
Meanwhile, Clinton will speak tonight and talk about her tax plan, and Trump warned that "she's going to cut taxes bigly, bigly. We're having a massive cut in taxes. We're having a massive cut in regulations. And that includes banking regulations for you people, because it's impossible for you people to go get mortgages."
Trump also spoke about the declining homeownership rates under Obama, showing a chart and telling the home builders he's attracted "25,000 people" to his rallies, as Americans are frustrated.
"It's home ownership," he said. "That's the American dream. It's the lowest it's been in 51 years. Wow. So I think that's a pretty sad thing . . . American households are earning $4,000 less today than they were 16 years ago."