Although real estate mogul Donald Trump continues to lead his Republican presidential counterparts, a post-debate poll from the
Morning Consult shows that his numbers have taken a small dip after Tuesday's debate in Las Vegas.
According to the poll of registered Republican and GOP-leaning voters:
- Donald Trump, 36 percent;
- Ben Carson, 12 percent;
- Ted Cruz, 11 percent;
- Marco Rubio, 9 percent;
- Jeb Bush, 7 percent;
When comparing the latest numbers to a Morning Consult poll conducted in the days leading up to the fifth Republican debate,
The Hill notes that while Bush's numbers remained the same, Donald Trump and Ben Carson had a 2-point drop and Rubio and Cruz had a 1-point increase.
In less than 50 days, votes will be cast in the early voting state of Iowa, followed by New Hampshire, where voters will take to the polls on Feb. 9.
But until then, it is evident by this week's debate, where Trump was met with pointed jabs from Bush while Cruz and Rubio clashed over national security and immigration, that the
Republican candidates will continue to battle for the top position in the GOP field.
The post-debate survey questioned 861 registered Republican and GOP-leaning voters. It has a margin of error of 3 points.
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