Donald Trump said Wednesday that he would "rather go for a knockout" — beating rivals Marco Rubio and John Kasich in primaries to get them to leave the Republican nomination race — than have to deal with a brokered convention in Cleveland in July.
"If I win Ohio and I win Florida, pretty much, you're going to be assured of doing that," Trump told
CNN's Anderson Cooper, referring to how to get the two rivals to drop out.
That would leave Texas Sen. Ted Cruz, who won the Idaho primary on Tuesday. Trump won Michigan, Mississippi and Hawaii.
Under this scenario, the front-runner told Cooper that he believed that he could win the necessary delegates to seal the nomination and avoid a brokered contest.
"I don't see the convention going that route," he said. "I see probably getting the delegates.
"It's like the fighters. That's the ultimate way of doing it: You knock them out.
"If you knock them out, nothing can happen."