GOP presidential front-runner Donald Trump continued his attack on the New Hampshire Union Leader and its publisher Joe McQuaid during a rally in Nashua, New Hampshire Monday night, calling the paper a "pile of garbage" and repeating his assessment of McQuaid as a "lowlife."
Trump first went after McQuaid during a radio interview earlier in the day after
McQaid published a signed, front-page editorial comparing Trump to "Back to the Future" bully Biff.
"What a pile of garbage, that newspaper," Trump told the crowd at Pennichuck Middle School. "It's also going down the tubers!"
Trump said the once powerful conservative paper has now gotten so small it looks like the coupon papers handed out in grocery stores.
Trump detailed favors he said McQuaid has asked of him since before the first Republican debate in August. They included him giving a speech at an event to help the family of ISIS captive and journalist James Foley and tweeting out to his Twitter followers that New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie should be allowed on the main debate stage.
The Union Leader ended up endorsing Christie, even though Trump said McQuaid had previously told him he didn't like Christie for embracing President Barack Obama in 2012 less than a month before the election, which many have said may have handed the election to Obama over Republican Mitt Romney.
Trump said he bore no ill-will to McQuaid for endorsing Christie, but saw the publisher as committing "a very disloyal act" for attacking him after he had done him multiple favors in the past.
McQuaid didn't even have the common sense to call the Star Ledger, New Jersey's largest paper, to find out its opinion of the governor, Trump said, before ticking off a list of grievances against Christie. They included the Bridge-gate scandal and the state's credit downgrades.
"I did so much for this guy – a sleazebag," Trump said of McQuaid. "He's controlled."
"It's a dying paper," Trump said holding up Monday's Union Leader. "This was a big power here years ago."
He then tossed the paper out to the crowd.
"That's all it's worth," he said. "Piece of garbage."