Question: My college-student son, age 19, still has memory difficulties after suffering two concussions back-to-back during a lacrosse game when he was 16. The concussions almost killed him, and now he has severe post-concussion syndrome. Acupuncture and cranial massage helped with the headaches, but I wonder if you can suggest a supplement.Dr. Brownstein's Answer:
As the father of a daughter who plays soccer and who just suffered a mild concussion (a much larger girl ran into her), I am sensitive to concussions in sports. There are supplements that can help the brain heal from a concussion.
A concussion is a bruise of the brain. The homeopathic substance Arnica montana in pellet form is helpful; take three to six pellets four times per day for one week. Also, alpha-lipoic acid (300 mg twice a day) crosses the blood brain barrier and has proved to be very helpful.
Vitamin C also is useful for treating postconcussion syndrome at 2,000 to 6,000 mg/day. Finally, pulsed magnetic therapy is very useful for treating concussions. Learn more about this from your holistic healthcare provider.