Question: There seem to be a lot of varying opinions about how to detoxify the liver. What do you suggest for a liver detoxification program?
Dr. Brownstein's Answer:
The liver has many functions, but perhaps its most important task is to filter out the impurities we come in contact with and help the body excrete waste through either the urine or stool.
Unfortunately, we are exposed to an ever increasing array of toxic chemicals, so liver detoxification is very important.
The best thing that you can do for your liver is to eat a healthy diet free of refined foods, pesticides, and synthetic hormones. It is important to eat organic food.
Next, ensure that you maintain adequate hydration to lower the concentration of toxic substances in your body.
Finally, ensuring the liver has the optimal amounts of nutrients is a must. These include vitamin C, magnesium, milk thistle, and vitamins B1 and B12.
Also, I have developed a product called Total Liver Control, designed to provide the liver with the proper nutritional support to increase the detoxification capability of the liver.