Legend has it that Paul Bunyan created the Great Lakes as a watering hole for his blue ox, Babe, and dug the Grand Canyon as a drainage ditch. To honor those feats, a 50-foot statue of Paul and a 35-foot one of Babe stand tall in California's Redwood National Park.
And just like those statues, the amazingly accomplished HPV vaccine is standing tall after careful review by the European Medicines Agency (EMA).
Reports have been circulating about a possible connection between the HPV vaccine and complex regional pain syndrome (CRPS) and postural orthostatic tachycardia syndrome (POTS). But after careful review by the EMA, the experts concluded there's no cause and effect linkage between those afflictions and the vaccine.
The report says that CRPS and POTS afflict the general public at the same rate as they affect those who are vaccinated — no more and no less. About 150 girls in a million ages 10 to 18 get CRPS and 150 get POTS annually.
Now, ask yourself: If some of those girls are diagnosed right after seeing a scary movie, did the movie cause their syndrome?
More than 80 million girls and women worldwide have received the HPV vaccine, and the number of cases of genital warts and cancer of the cervix, throat, and anus that it prevents far outweighs any risk.
So let's make protection of young people — boys and girls — from HPV a priority. The vaccine stands tall as one of the most legendary accomplishments of modern medicine. Ask your doctor if your children should receive it.