The cheetah is the fastest animal on earth, with a top recorded speed of 75 mph. The black marlin is the fastest fish, zipping through the water at 82 mph.
But neither can compare to how fast a falcon can dive — 242 mph.
For humans, it looks like the number to shoot for when it comes to fast(ing) is 19. Researchers have discovered that temporary fasting (19 hours between meals, from 6:30 p.m. on day one to 1:30 p.m. on day two) and reduced intake of calories (300-500 fewer a day) can ease symptoms of inflammatory and autoimmune diseases by slashing the number of highly inflammatory immune cells called lymphocytes in your body.
The really good news: Fasting tamps down what's revved up in your immune system because of obesity, a diet loaded with ultraprocessed foods, or an autoimmune condition, without dampening your body's ability to defend you from infection.
What does this mean for you if you have heart disease (as 121.5 million U.S. adults do) or an autoimmune condition (50 million)?
As Dr. Mike points out in his book “What to Eat When,” there are some simple steps that will let you take advantage of these insights:
• Eat while the sun is shining, and have your largest meal at noon or early afternoon.
• Cut out added sugars, refined, carbs and excess proteins (aim to get protein from plants).
• Dodge saturated and trans fats and opt for olive oil, nuts, and fatty fish like salmon.