There is nothing like a glass of bubbly to toast the holiday season. But if you need another reason to enjoy a sip of champagne, health experts say that the festive, fizzy beverage is good for you. But moderation is the key to unleashing champagne’s health benefits.
According to the Evening Standard, Winston Churchill warned, “a single glass of champagne imparts a feeling of exhilaration. A bottle produces the opposite.”
Here are some benefits of champagne:
- Sharpens mental acuity. Research from Columbia University found that champagne contains proteins that are beneficial to short term memory.
- Improves heart health. Champagne contains the same antioxidants as red and white wines that prevent damage to your heart vessels, reduce bad cholesterol and prevent blood clots, says the Evening Standard. This can reduce the risk for heart disease and strokes.
- Improve your mood. The minerals magnesium, potassium and zinc found in champagne help produce that feeling of exhilaration Churchill describes.
- Lowers diabetes risk. A 2009 Canadian study showed that all wines, including sparkling drinks, can lower your risk for diabetes by 13%. Specifically, it can lower the risk of developing type 2 diabetes. This benefit is true of prosecco and other types of sparkling wines. Champagne is also low in calories and sugar, making it an acceptable drink for those with diabetes. There are only 80 calories in a glass of champagne compared to up to 200 in a glass of red or white wine, says Glass of Bubbly.
- Boosts sex drive. It is well known that alcohol lowers your inhibitions, but most alcoholic drinks quickly zap your strength as well. Champagne gives you a sexual boost without draining your energy, says the Evening Standard.
- Prevents dementia. Scientists have found that a couple of glasses of bubbly prevents the onset of dementia. Researchers at University of Reading in the U.K. found that drinking three glasses of champagne daily could help ward off dementia and Alzheimer’s disease. They discovered that a compound found in the black grapes, pinot noir and pinot meunier, both of which are used to make champagne, helps stave off forgetfulness. “Dementia probably starts in the 40’s and goes on to the 80’s,” said Jeremy Spencer, a biochemistry professor at Reading. “So, the earlier people take these beneficial compounds, the better.”