According to estimates from Lancet Public Health, the number of people living with dementia worldwide will nearly triple by the year 2050. But getting this devastating condition is not inevitable. Research shows that you can prevent or delay the onset of dementia by an impressive 40% by modifying your lifestyle.
“This rapid increase means you or someone you know is very likely to be affected by this disease,” Francine Waskavitz, a memory health coach, tells Eat This, Not That! “Currently there is no treatment for dementia. Your best defense lies within your lifestyle. The Lancet Commission estimates that modifiable lifestyle factors can prevent or delay up to 40% of dementia cases.”
While many of these lifestyle risk factors may be familiar, they serve as reminder that acting upon them now can improve your health and add quality years to your life.
“The sooner you begin, the more protected you will be,” says Waskavitz.
Dr. Jacob Hascalovici, co-founder and chief medical officer at Clearing, a digital healthcare platform, reminds us that dementia doesn’t only affect people over the age of 65. It can impact younger people, too.
“Typically, it involves changes that are more pervasive and more concerning than simply forgetting a word here and there or occasionally dealing with an episode of brain fog,” he explains. “Though it is difficult to predict who exactly might develop dementia, certain lifestyle habits make dementia more likely. These include regularly getting too little sleep (usually less than six hours a night), eating foods than inflame body tissues (meaning high-fat things, red meat, high-sugar snacks, and processed foods), feeling lonely or being socially isolated for a long time, sitting around a lot, smoking regularly, or drinking more than recommended.”
Hascalovici adds that taking calcium supplements may increase dementia risk. Having ADHD, or a family history of dementia, or getting a head injury can also contribute to a higher likelihood of getting the disease.
But tackling the lifestyle factors mentioned, especially getting fitter, can reduce your chances of getting dementia.
“Overall fitness happens through a combination of eating well, like following the Mediterranean diet, and exercising or at least being active regularly,” says Hascalovici. “When you’re fit, you also reduce the odds of diabetes, high blood pressure, depression, heart disease, and many other problems that elevate your risks of dementia. Being fit is important whether you’re overweight or ‘skinny fat’— fitness applies to everyone.”
According to the World Health Organization up to 14% of Alzheimer’s disease cases may be attributed to smoking. Quitting can reduce your risk of the disease or delay its onset, says Eat This, Not That!
Other ways you can reduce your risk of dementia is to get your hearing checked annually, says Waskavitz. Hearing loss accounts for 8% of dementia cases globally.
“High blood pressure, diabetes and obesity dramatically increase your risk of dementia,” she says. “They are also three of the modifiable risk factors for dementia prevention. If you’re focused on reducing your risk of dementia, you must know your numbers and aim to optimize them. A healthy diet and lifestyle are critical component to supporting both your physical and cognitive health as you age.”