Happiness means different things to different people. For some, it may mean spending quiet time with family. For others, it’s about pursuing a goal. Martin Seligman, the father of “positive psychology” said that 60% of happiness is determined by genetic factors as well as by our environment, according to Psychology Today. The rest is in our hands. Although seeking pleasure may be thought to be a goal of happiness, what really seems to be most important is leading a life of engagement and a meaning, says Dr. Abigail Brenner, a leading psychiatrist in private practice.
Whatever happiness means to you, changing some basic habits can help you get there, according to Healthline.
- Smile. Smiling releases dopamine, a feel-good hormone. So, the simple act of cracking a smile can actually make you feel happier.
- Practice self-care. Happy people take measures to relieve stress, anxiety, and depression, says Dr. Brenner. “They know how to unplug, distancing themselves from the stresses of life,” she says. “Many happy people have a spiritual practice, whether it’s taking a walk in nature or meditating.” Make time for yourself. Find something you like to do, even if it is as simple as taking a long, hot bath.
- Keep a journal. Journaling is an effective way to gather your thoughts, analyze your feelings and make plans. Simply jot down your thoughts daily if you don’t want to write pages of notes.
- Be grateful. A recent study revealed that practicing gratitude can have a significant effect on feelings of hope and happiness. Dr. Robert Emmons, a professor of psychology at the University of California, Davis has often been called the “guru of gratitude.” He has conducted numerous studies that show people who practice gratitude consistently have higher levels of positive emotions, are more alert, alive, and awake and enjoy more joy and pleasure in life.
- Give a compliment. Research has found that performing acts of kindness helps you feel more satisfied. Giving a sincere compliment is an effortless way to brighten someone’s day while giving your own happiness a boost.
- See friends. As humans, we are social beings, says Healthline, and gathering with close friends can make us happier. A weekly lunch or even a phone call with someone close to you can lift your spirit and make you feel more connected. Do not forget that companionship is not limited to humans. Having a pet offers multiple mental health benefits, even if you volunteer at a local shelter to make some new friends — both four-legged and human.
- Declutter. The pandemic encouraged people to evaluate what is important in their lives, and what they no longer need. Staying home 24/7 meant facing the clutter that has accumulated over the years that no longer serves a purpose. As a result, more people became minimalists, says AARP. According to Makespace.com, some of the benefits of decluttering include relieving anxiety and depression and promoting quality sleep.
- Let go of grudges. This is not only for the other person but also helps lighten the load for you. Take stock of your relationships with others and see if you can offer forgiveness or bury the hatchet if you are harboring any resentment towards another person.
- Get regular checkups. Your physical and mental health are closely intertwined. As you build habits to improve your happiness, make sure you see your primary care physician for an annual physical, visit your dentist regularly, and take care of any chronic conditions.
- Reevaluate your goals. Sometimes we cling to paths that no longer serve us. There is no shame in changing your game, says Healthline. Let go of any goals that no longer serve you, even if they sound nice on paper.