With temperatures climbing to record highs, it is especially important to stay hydrated. To get the maximum benefit of proper hydration, it is important to time your fluid intake correctly. And hydrating is not only important on hot days, certain other situations also necessitate the need for more fluid.
Some tips on when it is most important to drink up:
- When you first wake up. According to WebMD, first thing in the morning is one of the best times to hydrate. Your body has gone through a long fast, so jump start the day by drinking a tall glass of water spiked with lemon juice for added vitamin C, potassium, and phytonutrients.
- Whenever you sweat. You lose fluid when you sweat, either from enjoying a sauna or hot tub or simply by being outdoors on a hot, muggy day. Your body perspires to cast off heat, so you need to cool it down by drinking lots of water.
- Before, during and after exercise. Be careful exercising in extreme heat, say experts. Choose early morning or late afternoon to exercise outdoors and avoid the sun’s peak hours. Exercising in hot weather puts extra stress on the body, which increases your risk of serious illness and even death. Start drinking fluids slowly an hour or two before exercise and replace fluids during the workout. “Room temperature water is not only more palatable but also more readily absorbed, whereas water that is too cold decreases the absorption rate,” notes Anthony Abbott, founder of Fitness Institute International. “Water is usually the drink of choice, however, with extended activity coupled with profuse sweating, sports drinks may be preferable due to the availability of their electrolytes.”
- When you are ill. Hydration is key to healing when you are sick, says WebMD. Symptoms such as diarrhea, vomiting, and fever can cause extreme fluid loss. Start drinking water at the first sign of illness but stay away from alcohol and caffeinated drinks which will dry out your system even more.
- When you are constipated. According to Healthline, increasing fluid intake is often recommended as a part of the treatment protocol for common constipation. Low water consumption appears to be a risk factor for constipation in both younger and older individuals.
- Before meals. Drinking a glass of water before meals is a great way to help lose weight. The water provides a feeling of satiety which can decrease your intake of food. One study in 24 older adults found that drinking a little over two 8-ounce glasses of water 30 minutes before breakfast reduced the number of calories consumed by 13%.
- When you want to boost brain power. Studies show that even mild dehydration affects both mood and concentration. It also increases the frequency of headaches, says Healthline. Other studies link dehydration to increased feelings of anxiety and fatigue.
- To prevent hangovers. To avert horrible hangovers that occur when drinking alcohol, drink a glass of water between drinks and have at least one tall glass of water before going to bed. Alcohol is a diurectic and dehydrates the body.