Timing is everything when it comes to getting the most from your vitamins and minerals. Some work best when taken in the morning, others are more effective when consumed with meals. While nutritionists recommend that we get daily nutritional requirements from food sources, many of us fall short. That’s when supplementing can help keep us fueled with key nutrients, says Verywell Health.
Here’s the best time to take common vitamins:
• Vitamin C. You can take this water-soluble vitamin anytime on an empty stomach or with meals if you have a tummy that is sensitive to acids. Taking too much vitamin C can result in diarrhea or indigestion so you might want to try a buffered version.
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• Vitamin B12. Don’t take B12 supplements at the same time as vitamin C because vitamin C can interfere with absorption. Taking it in the morning can give you an energy boost but don’t take too much as this important vitamin is stored in the liver for long periods. Your healthcare provider can help decide proper dosage of vitamin B12.
• Vitamins A, D and E. It’s best to take these fat-soluble vitamins with meals that contain some fat to enhance absorption and effectiveness.
ׇ• Multivitamins. Since multivitamins combine both fat- and water-soluble supplements, it’s probably best to take them with a meal to prevent an upset stomach. Drinking a lot of water with your multivitamin helps you absorb the water-soluble ingredients. It’s also best to take a multi earlier in the day as digestion slows down in the evening.
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• Calcium. Take calcium citrate with or without food and take calcium carbonate with food, advises the Mayo Clinic. If you are taking 1,000 milligrams of calcium daily, split it into two doses. Note that this mineral may interact with medications such as antibiotics, bisphosphates or high blood pressure drugs so check with your doctor or pharmacist.
• Magnesium. You can take this important mineral supplement any time of the day, says Healthline, and it may be best to take it with food to avoid adverse digestive issues. Magnesium can also interact with medications such as antibiotics, diuretics or biphosphates so check with a healthcare professional to determine the best schedule.