There are many ways to strengthen your immune system. They include lifestyle and environmental changes and also changes in consumption habits.
Here are 10 natural ways to strengthen your immune system.
1. Meditation
Research has shown that meditation works by stimulating immune-system brain function regions,
according to The Chopra Center. "Since your immune system responds to both negative and positive thoughts, meditation creates a positive mental environment for the immune system to flourish," said Dr. Deepak Chopra.
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2. Yoga
Several yoga poses are said to lower the stress hormone cortisol in your system,
Shape magazine noted.
3. Cardio Fitness
Exercise can stave off colds, WedMD said, "working to jump-start the immune system." The website added: "With exercise, the number and aggressiveness of certain immune cells, such as the ones called natural killer cells, increase by as much as 50 percent to 300 percent. If you exercise regularly, this temporary increase can help make the immune system more efficient at destroying intruders that cause illness."
4. Better Nutrition
Eating more fruits, vegetables and grains supports and boosts your immune system, experts say, protecting your health,
according to the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics.
5. Natural Herbs and Supplements
"Supplements can give your immune system an added boost,"
according to
6. Cut Back on Alcohol
Research shows drinking too much impairs your immune system and contributes to primary pulmonary infections,
according to the National Center for Biotechnology Information.
7. Quit Smoking
Smoking also suppresses the immune system,
according to The website noted: "Many cancer-causing chemicals from cigarette smoke travel throughout a smoker’s bloodstream to reach the organs of the body and damage the immune response."
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8. Get Exposure to Sunshine
Vitamin D exposure is crucial, and many people don't realize they are deficient,
according to Everyday Health. Having too little Vitamin D is connected with heightened risk of respiratory infection.
9. Eat More Garlic
It may be pungent, but garlic has immune boosting properties and antimicrobial qualities.
WebMD called garlic "an immunity-boosting superstar."
10. Avoid Consuming Too Much Simple Sugar.
It can impair immune function,
according to Mother Earth News.